
About Chris Temple and The National Investor

Now in his fifth decade in the investment/economic world—and as a writer, educator and true disruptor in his industry—Chris Temple has set himself apart with his unique ability to make the intricacies of the markets and our world understandable to the average person.

A great overview of Chris’ take on things these days is represented at:

This was a video discussion from April, 2022 setting the table for the recently-rebranded Strategic Investment Insights Conference that Chris has played a leading role in for many years. His articulation of the themes covered at this conference will pull you right in; and reveal to you Chris’ own depth of knowledge on the MAJOR, irreversible changes taking place in our word, economy and markets.

Aside from Chris’ unparalleled and out-of-the-box thinking on broader “macro” subjects, he takes great pride in uncovering unique investment stories for his Members.  This quite often includes him visiting companies and their management all over North and South America; companies in resource exploration, biotech, infrastructure and much more.

Several of his trips over the years have resulted in his getting to intimately know—and recommend to his Members—several stories that have ended up on his Top Ten all-time list for investment returns. 

We invite you to join Chris’ circle of satisfied Members by becoming one yourself; simply visit him RIGHT HERE. Take advantage of the hard work, knowledge and proven success of Chris and The National Investor and join us!

Finally, we’d be remiss in not also pointing out that one way in which Chris has distinguished The National Investor as a profitable and beneficial resource for his Members is by his accessibility to them! Few other newsletter Editors make themselves available on a one-on-one basis to Subscribers to answer their questions, but Chris DOES.

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A Guide to "Stock Picking" that Everyone

Editor/Publisher Chris Temple of The National Investor is joined by Abigail Recker in a free-wheeling and FUN lesson in finding investment opportunities in emerging and “story” companies. As you’ll see this is NOT difficult! Investment themes present themselves to you every day…and now you’ll know how to start recognizing them as such.

What makes The National Investor Tick?

Here, Editor/Publisher Chris Temple discusses some of the philosophy and methods behind his newsletter: How he approaches the markets, allocation recommendations, his own broad calls over time and a LOT more!