“The World Turned Upside Down”

"The World Turned Upside Down"

By Chris Temple – Editor/Publisher

The National Investor



(From the July 29, 2019 issue)

Markets seem both oblivious to and unprepared for a MAJOR change that's looming in the world: the end of "Globalization" as we have known it for three-quarters of a century.

As I write in the cover story of this new issue, though Donald Trump is a major catalyst for this change (which China may be about to take the lead on) this is a NEEDED development for the PEOPLE of the world that has been looming for some time.

This will be an evolving development over time; and will understandably lead to major changes in the way we must approach investing (which, of course, I'll be guiding our Members on!)

Don't forget that you can follow my thoughts, focus and all pretty much daily ! ! !

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